From The Desk Of Marketing Mastery |
We hate being sold to. But that hatred melts away when the salesperson tells us they're selling to us. In fact, that transparency builds trust and can lead us to hand over more cash than we would otherwise.
What does this mean for marketers like you? In an online world bloated with instant fixes and other guru B.S., realness and honesty are refreshing to buyers. That's why making a mistake or straight-up telling people why you're selling something can drive more sales than being sly about it. Alright, so how can you apply this right now to sell more?
Unveil the reason for your sale Avoid tainting your brand with discounts by telling your buyers why certain products are on sale. Whether you bought too much stock, you're not offering a digital product anymore, or you need to move inventory out before you can buy more, don't keep it a secret. Give a reason to increase your likability We buy from those we know, like, and trust. So find holes in your marketing and turn them into opportunities to make your customers smile. When people are given a reason why they should act, they're more likely to comply. Sometimes up to 33% more.
Y'know when a magician pulls a coin outta his ear and pretends it's magic? But you're like, "Sir, we just saw you pick up that quarter over there and put it behind your ear." Yeah, don't do that. Your buyers know you're marketing them. So don't pretend like you're not. Use the Transparency Effect to build know, like, and trust factors so you can drive more sales. |
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